Once you realize you don't have to prove anything to anyone but yourself, life gets easier, simpler, more enjoyable, and makes more sense

Friday, 25 March 2016


An act of Obedience to The Creator

An act of Honor & Dignity

An act of Belief & Faith

An act of Modesty

An act of Purity

An act of Bashfulness

An act of Righteousness

A Shield

What the Hijab is NOT..

It is NOT something new. Muslim women follow the example of righteous women in the past such as Mary, the mother of Jesus (a.s)

It is NOT a symbol of oppression

It is NOT a means to restrict a woman's freedom to express her views and opinion, or to have an education and a career

It is NOT an act of defiance, confrontation or protest to non-Muslims

It is NOT a portable prison.

The hijab is a Muslimah's shield from the evil world.


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