Once you realize you don't have to prove anything to anyone but yourself, life gets easier, simpler, more enjoyable, and makes more sense

Friday, 13 May 2016


IBRAHEEM IBN ADHAM - may Allaah have mercy on him - a third century scholar, a teacher and a companion of Sufyaan ath-Thawree, was asked about the saying of Allaah - the Most High: "And your Lord says: Call on me I will answer your prayer..." [Soorah Ghaafir 40:60] i.e."We supplicate and we are not answered."

So he said to them:

��"You know Allaah, Yet you do not obey Him,

��You recite the Qur'aan, Yet do not act according to it,

��You know Shaitaan(Devil), Yet you have agreed with him,

��You proclaim that you love the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Yet you abandon his Sunnah,

��You proclaim your love for Paradise, Yet you do not act to gain it,

��You proclaim your fear for the Fire, Yet you do not prevent yourselves from sins,

��You say "Indeed death is true", Yet you have not prepared for it,

��You engage yourselves with finding faults with others, Yet you do not look at your faults,

��You eat of that which Allah has provided for you, Yet you do not thank Him,

��You bury your dead, Yet you do not take a lesson from it."

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